Alternative ways of preparing your coffee in the summer!

Even though the summer is almost over, we still have beautiful hot days ahead of us! We prepared for you a few recipes for cold coffee.


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#1 Coffe-tonic

  • Ice cubes
  • Tonic (can or bottle)
  • Lemon
  • Espresso

Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Pour tonic to the 3/4 and add an espresso on top. Mix, add lemon to your taste, and enjoy!



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#2 Cofee & Ice Cream

  • Espresso
  • Ice cream, flavour of your choosing!

Prepare an espresso allongé or an americano and put directly a scoop of ice cream on top. The ice cream can be eaten with a spoon and the rest will melt in the coffee. A delicious and refreshing desert!


gla  glaaa

#3 Espresso Cubes

  • Espresso
  • Ice cubes tray
  • Milk

Prepare one or two allongés and pour in the ice cubes tray. Keep in the freezer. When the cubes are ready, mix them with cow milk or soy or almond milk. The espresso-cubes will melt and mix their delicious coffee flavour with the milk.



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#4 Filter Coffee on Ice

  • Filter coffee or americano
  • Ice cubes

One of the easiest and most refreshing ways of drinking your coffee is simply putting it on ice! You can add milk or maple syrup to sweeten it.

What are you favorite recipes for cold coffee?




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